Who we are & why we do it

insight2implementation Ltd
Company number: 5513287
Registered: 2005

Barry Hennessy

Barry Hennessy

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Barry Hennessy - Director

Barry is a trusted advisor to his customers and has an extensive track record of developing business solutions involving the convergence of people, processes and technology. He was also an executive with a major PLC within the pharmaceutical sector, so he understands what it is like to sit ‘both sides’ of the table.

He deploys a rare mix of business, technology and leadership skills combined with extensive sales, training and consultancy expertise. He has led and been accountable for numerous large-scale change programmes, each of which has achieved profound change at organisational, team and individual levels.

His typical customers are the HR, sales, marketing, strategy or operations departments of major PLCs or professional services firms, often working internationally to help customers ensure consistent roll out of programmes.

Barry listens well, understands thoroughly, and makes sure that solutions are 'joined-up' across disciplines. He strives to make the complex simple, having the ability to challenge customers and at the same time support them, helping to facilitate and discover pragmatic solutions together. His background in business, sales, ICT and process management helps ensure that performance improvement is delivered, not just discussed.

In his spare time Barry plays football, golf, and dances (sometimes all at the same time).


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